Au(111) with DA30-L Deflection Mode and VUV5k


© Scienta Omicron

A. Au(111) Surface state: θX cut. Swept mode acquisition. B. Au(111) surface state: kX cut. Swept mode acquisition. C. Au(111) kx-ky map at Eb=0. Fixed mode, deflection mode acquisition. D. Au(111) surface state map. Fixed mode, deflector mode acquisition

Author: Prof. Bing Wang Institute: ''University of Science and Technology of China'' Date: 2018 Instruments: DA30-L, VUV5k

As proof of performance and as part of the characterization of their new DA30-L and VUV5k ARPES system the Prof Bing Wang group of University of Science and Technology of China have measured a Au(111) sample. The data shows a well resolved surface Shockley state with the characteristic spin split parabola. Using the DA30-L deflection mode a full data set was acquired without rotation of the sample. This is illustrated by the graph showing a series of parallel kx-ky cuts in momentum space.
