Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)
In 1987 - only one year after the Nobel Prize was awarded to Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer - our legendary STM 1 was created. Since those early times of STM we have continuously advanced our SPM product in order to support technology leaders and fore-front SPM researchers as well as application and material science focused SPM groups around the globe with state-of-the-art instrumentation.
Our modern scanning probe microscopes offer ultimate mechanical stability, ultra-long hold times at liquid Helium temperatures, options for strong magnetic fields in a customized UHV system environment. We have carefully optimized our instruments to ensure outstanding signal qualities for QPlus and STM operation to ensure excellent results in all relevant scanning and spectroscopy modes. In addition, we have advanced controller technology enabling e.g. a new QPlus operation mode called QSPEED simplifying QPlus operation.
Our SPMs offer the most advanced techniques allowing for new experiments such as tip enhanced Raman, scanning tunneling luminescence, time resolved STM and electron spin resonance experiments enabled through adequate optical solutions or high frequency wiring.
Please contact us with ideas on how we can develop the future of scanning probe microscopy together.
Since its introduction in 1996, Scienta Omicron´s Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (LT STM) has set the standard for stability, performance and productivity for 4LHe bath cryostat STMs. It is a high quality all-round SPM delivering broad scientific output and ground-breaking results. Its base is an ultra-stable platform offering a large range of operation modes including STM, QPlus AFM, STS, IETS, force spectroscopy, optical experiments and atom manipulation.
The new POLAR UHV SPM is a low-temperature Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) for highest resolution STM, QPlus®-AFM, and spectroscopy experiments in a temperature range between < 1.7 K and 300 K and in high magnetic fields of up to 5T. For SPM experiments at temperatures of below T <1.7 K a newly developed 1 K pot is now available as an option.
The new INFINITY UHV SPM is a pulse tube cooler based low temperature SPM for high-resolution STM, QPlus®-AFM, and spectroscopy experiments in a temperature range between < 10 K and 420 K. The cooler with very long service intervals belongs to the next generation of cryostats that are independent of cryogenic liquids. The instrument can stay cold for several months and thus, serves as an ideal platform for long term and un-interrupted high resolution measurements.
The Scienta Omicron VT SPM is the most commonly used workhorse SPM for room- and variable temperature applications. More than 500 instruments have been delivered and successfully installed around the world. The volume of research results including several thousand referenced publications is a conclusive proof of the performance, quality, and versatility of the Variable Temperature SPM design.
The Low Temperature NANOPROBE defines a new class of analytical instruments that merges SEM-navigated local transport measurements with atomic scale precision, high performance STM imaging, spectroscopy, and manipulation at LHe temperatures.
The STREAM combines advantages of a cost effective low temperature flow cryostat platform with the attractive features of the TRIBUS SPM head including 3D coarse motion, high intrinsic stability, easy tip and sample exchange, and optical access.