40th Anniversary - Celebrate with us! 

Congratulations to the Winner of our 40th Anniversary Photo Contest

We are delighted to announce the winner - Chuanxu Ma, from from the University of Science and Technology of China, winning a gift voucher for our 40th anniversary photo contest. 

Chuanxu Ma and his team has been conducting their research on single-molecules science and on-surface synthesis using our LT-STM Lab since 1998. 

"Our LT-STM system equipped with non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM) after upgraded in 2016 is very stable. After upgrading, we can now take the bond-resolved AFM images of on-surface synthesized structures and measure the electronic properties at the same time. The long liquid He holding time (3 days) can let us easily acquire the high-quality data we need. Scienta Omicron, just like our LT-STM system, is always reliable!", says Chuanxu Ma. 

We are thrilled to have Chaunxu Ma as a part of our journey!

Thank you to everyone who have participated in our photo contest for celebrating with us!

40th Anniversary Photo Contest

Scienta Omicron is turning 40 this year!
To celebrate this major milestone, we would like to highlight the valuable research our customers have achieved over the years, using our instruments.

Contest Prizes:
1st Prize: 1500 euros (or equivalent) voucher.
Runner up prizes will be featured on our special edition 40th anniversary historical poster and will be sent out to select participants.

Instructions to participate:
Completing the questionnaire will take not more than 5 min and we are grateful for your contribution!
The winners will be drawn on June 6th (the official birthday of Scienta Omicron).
Please e-mail your responses and attach 1-2 pictures of your instrument(s)/system(s) to 40thanniversary@scientaomicron.com by 31st of May.
We would appreciate it if you could send both old and current photos of the instrument.

To highlight your research, we will share your contribution on our website, social media channels and in print. By submitting your response, you agree for us to share your contributions on our website, social media channels and in print.


1.      Customer name (including institute/affiliation):

2.      Model(s)/type(s) of system(s)/instrument(s):                                

3.      Year(s) of purchase:

4.      What research has been conducted with this instrument(s)?

5.      What was the research outcome (in a few sentences)?

6.      Please list any publications related to the research (include first and most recent):

7.      Please provide a short quote about working with the instrument(s)/system(s) and/or Scienta Omicron (100 words or less):

Thank you for participating! We look forward to many more years of working together!