MATRIX SPM Controller  | © Scienta Omicron
MATRIX SPM Images  | © Scienta Omicron
MATRIX is a versatile & high-performance SPM controller allowing for a large variety of experiments.


Modular Hardware and Software Concept


  • AFM at low- and room-temperatures
  • New compact design

The MATRIX 4 Control System builds on 30 years of experience in SPM technology and unlocks the full capacity of our leading-edge Scanning Probe Microscopes. The key features include intuitive and flexible experiment control; best-in-class noise floor; full 64-bit software; and modular upgrade paths.

The MATRIX 4 Control System builds on 30 years of experience in SPM technology and unlocks the full capacity of our leading-edge Scanning Probe Microscopes. The MATRIX architecture couples advances in high-speed, low-noise digital electronics with the requirements of the latest SPM applications to offer the user an unprecedented level of signal quality, measurement speed, and experimental flexibility. The expandable design provides solutions for future challenges in Scanning Probe Microscopy.

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TWIN Regulator

Instead of mixing or switching input signals, the TWIN Regulator has two independent complete feedback loops, allowing for separate but simultaneous optimisation of the two regulation signals. Therefore the TWIN Regulator dramatically improves the efficiency of research work by enabling a seamless transition between modes. The TWIN Regulator also opens up chances for unique experiments by combining or mixing different feedback signals.

Reference Systems


MATRIX 4: The SPM Controller Evolution

18/02/2025 3.69 MB

The MATRIX 4 Control System builds on 30 years of experience in SPM technology and unlocks the full capacity of our leading-edge Scanning Probe Microscopes. The key features include intuitive and flexible experiment control; best-in-class noise floor; full 64-bit software; and modular upgrade paths.

ZyVector: STM Control System for Lithography

15/04/2021 2.59 MB

Scienta Omicron and Zyvex Labs announce a collaboration to develop and distribute tools for research and manufacturing that require atomic precision. The ZyVector STM Control System from Zyvex Labs turns a Scienta Omicron STM into an atomically-precise scanned probe lithography tool, and will be distributed world-wide by Scienta Omicron.

Zyvector Booklet

20/04/2021 3.64 MB

Zyvex Labs pursues research and develops tools for creating quantum computers and other transformational systems that require atomic precision, towards its eventual goal of Atomically Precise Manufacturing. As part of this effort, ZyVector turns the world-class Scienta Omicron VT-STM into an STM lithography tool, creating the only complete commercial solution for atomic precision lithography.

Zyvex CHC Controller

15/04/2021 2.78 MB

Scienta Omicron and Zyvex Labs announce a new leap forward in STM design; real- time position correction. The ZyVector STM control system from Zyvex Labs uses live position correction to enable atomic-precision STM lithography. Now the same live position correction technology is brought to the Matrix STM control system for microscopy and spectroscopy users, enabling fast settling times after large movements in x, y and z, and precise motion across the surface, landing and remaining at the desired location.

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