Quantum Bits and Quantum Dots

Overview STM micrograph of the device during STM lithography. Bright regions are exposed silicon which are subsequently dosed with phosphine to form conductive leads to the central qubit reg
Overview STM micrograph of the device during STM lithography. Bright regions are exposed silicon which are subsequently dosed with phosphine to form conductive leads to the central qubit reg


In modern computing the smallest piece of information is the bit. A bit can have two values: 0 or 1. In quantum computing the smallest piece of information is the quantum bit. Similar to the traditional bit it can have the value of 0 or 1, but additionally to the traditional 0 and 1 values a qubit can be in a superposition of both 0 and 1 states. The power of the superpositions in qubits becomes clear when large arrays of high fidelity entangled qubits can be set to specific values with one operation. The power of supercomputing is expected to be orders of magnitude stronger than the current traditional computers. Encryption by quantum computers is likely to be impossible to decrypt by traditional computers and vice versa. Encrypted bitcoins and other current encryptions are decrypted with ease by quantum computers.

Alternative(s): quantum computing, quantum entanglement, high fidelity qbits, STM lithography and atomic lithography application-products VT SPM Lab, LT NANOPROBE Lab and ZyVector
