On Surface Synthesis

Constructing low-dimensional covalent assemblies with tailored size and connectivity is challenging yet often key for applications in molecular electronics where optical and electronic prope
Constructing low-dimensional covalent assemblies with tailored size and connectivity is challenging yet often key for applications in molecular electronics where optical and electronic prope

LT STM STM SPM Manipulation QPlus AFM

Fabricating nanostructures via on surface synthesis with molecules is interesting for the research in exotic properties of small nanostructures and the development of molecular electronics. In surface synthesis molecular building blocks are connected together by the use of a scanning probe tip or by self-assembly chemical reactions with selective precursors. The STM tip can make and break chemical bonds by applying selective pulse at the right moment and right place.

Alternative(s): on surface synthesis, atom manipulation, bottom up engineering, Feynman, ‘there is plenty of room at the bottom’, nanoribbons, conjugated π systems and π orbitals application-products LT STM Lab, LT NANOPROBE Lab, INFINITY SPM Lab and POLAR SPM Lab
