Plasmaronic Particles in Graphene


© Scienta Omicron

a-f) ARPES spectra of doped graphene. a and b) k vs binding energy spectra perpendicular and parallel to ¨K direction of the graphene Brillouin zone. Dashed lines are guidelines to the observed hole and plasmaron bands. Red lines indicate k=0. a-f) Constant energy cuts (at EF-0.43 eV and as indicated in g). k-scale according to scale bar in b. g) Schematic illustration of the band dispersion of doped graphene.

Author: Eli Rotenberg Institute: ''Advanced Light Source, Berkeley Lab, California, USA'' Science
Date: 2018
Instruments: R4000

Graphene have rendered a huge interest over the last years due to its promising future in a variety of fields, such as in electronic applications where it is a candidate for ‘post-silicon’ transistors. But it also offers new insights in physics. A. Bostwick et al. report in Science 328(2010)999 on the first observation of plasmaron bands in any material as detected in graphene using angular resolved photoemission (ARPES) offers new insights in physics. A. Bostwick et al. report in Science 328(2010)999 on the first observation of plasmaron bands in any material as detected in graphene using angular resolved photoemission (ARPES).
