The HiPP Lab is a state of art ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy (APPES) system designed for XPS of solid, gas and/or liquid sample environments under several mbar. It is optimised for speed to result by its stability, simplicity and user friendly design. The system is based on the most modern concepts of APPES, including features like easy accessible chamber, small spot light source and high throughput analyser with swift acceleration mode.
HiPP Lab is designed to allow APPES measurements in standard lab environments. The instrument offers the possibility to investigate solid/liquid, solid/gas and liquid/gas properties and interfaces of various materials with XPS. HiPP Lab is a convenient to use turnkey UHV system which includes a 1487 eV small spot monochromated Al X-ray Source and a HiPP 3 energy analyser allowing for analysis with spatial mode and swift acceleration mode.
More Information
Study Liquid and Gas Interfaces with Photoemission in your Home Laboratory
Photoelectron spectroscopy is a well-established tool for analysing a wide range of chemical and materials properties. Traditional photoelectron spectroscopy instruments are operated in UHV. With the HiPP Lab it is possible to investigate samples in gas and liquid surroundings while keeping pressure in the analysis chamber in the several mbar range during XPS measurements, enabling e.g. to study the solid/liquid interface of a battery.
Proof of Principal Measurements
APPES measurements usually suffer from significantly lower transmission compared to standard XPS. This is because the mean free path of the electrons is greatly reduced by the elevated pressure surrounding the sample. The HiPP Lab overcomes this by taking advantage of the high intensity small spot X-ray source and the analyser swift acceleration mode which is designed to boost the intensity for a lab based APPES setup under elevated pressure conditions. The swift acceleration mode accelerates electrons towards the analyser by applying a large voltage to the second aperture of the differential pumping stage. Due to this acceleration, the inelastic scattering of the photoelectrons in the surrounding gas decreases dramatically and transmission of electrons to the detector is greatly increased.
Designed for your Research Needs
The HiPP Lab‘s compact design ensures that it is an efficient solution for laboratory based measurements. The HiPP Lab provides a total solution for APPES. The design takes advantage of Scienta Omicron's vast experience in the field of electron spectroscopy. Since a turnkey solution with single vendor performance responsibility is being offered, critical aspects as ease of operation is ensured. The Mistral system controller, a programmable logic controller (PLC) with intuitive, user-friendly touch screen control for vacuum system control is included. The modular frame concept enables quick sample and analyser front access. Magnetic shielding is addressed throughout design and manufacturing for optimal performance.
HiPP Lab can further be equipped with a number of auxiliary equipment and be extended with for example preparation chambers or integrated into the Materials Innovation Platform (MIP) where instrumentation for growth and detailed characterisation of samples in-situ are combined in one platform.
Scienta Omicron‘s service contracts and worldwide service network provides ready support for our customers in all major markets.
Surface Chemistry of Liquid Bismuth under Oxygen and Water Vapor Studied by Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Bismuth (Bi) has a fairly low melting point of 544 K making it practical as a liquid metal medium in a number of applications. Under ambient atmospheric conditions the surface of solid Bi oxidizes. While the solid Bi interface has...
Reference Systems

HiPP Lab: Advanced APPES Measurements Made Simple
With HiPP Lab Scienta Omicron provides a novel solution for laboratory based ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy (APPES). Drawing on extensive experience in the fields of photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), UHV technology, and system design, Scienta Omicron has designed the HiPP Lab as an easy to use system that encourages user creativity through flexibility, modularity and an innovate chamber design. Scienta Omicron has vast experience in system manufacturing in a broad range of surface science and material science applications with more than 500 PES analysers and approximately 1000 systems deployed worldwide. This broad knowledge base has been critical for the development of the HiPP Lab.

HiPP LAB - advanced APXPS measurements
The HiPPLab is a high-performance, laboratory-based system that includes a powerful small-spot monochromated X-ray source and a state-of-the-art HiPP-3 analyser. It is designed with ease of use, high count rate and stability as the number one priority, and will serve as an efficient, turnkey workhorse in both labs and shared facilities. The HiPPLab effectively tackles a wide range of scientific questions with applications covering catalysis, fuel cell analysis, battery research and involving the investigation of solid-gas phase, solid-liquid and gas-liquid interfaces.