ARPES Lab system with DA30-L 8000 analyzer, VUV 5k excitation source and LHe cooled 5 axes ARPES manipulator | © Scienta Omicron
ARPES Lab system with DA30-L 8000 analyzer, VUV5k excitation source and LHe cooled 5 axes ARPES manipulator.
Monolayer PtSe2, a new semiconducting transition-metal-dichalcogenide, epitaxially grown by direct selenization of Pt | © Scienta Omicron
Monolayer PtSe2, a new semiconducting transition-metal-dichalcogenide, epitaxially grown by direct selenization of Pt. Left: Schematic of the fabrication of PtSe2 thin films by a single step of direct selenization of a Pt(111) substrate. Right: Second-derivative spectra of the raw ARPES data.


The Expert Solution for Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy


  • Comprehensive solution by the ARPES innovator and market leader
  • DFS30 deflector and 3D focus adjustment for precise ARPES results
  • Brightest monochromator VUV source with small beam spot
  • Proven solutions for µARPES, tr-ARPES, spin measurements, and HREELS
  • Integrated options for laser sources, sample preparation and LEED
  • Lowest temperature LHe and closed-cycle cryogenic sample manipulators
  • Deployed on the CREATE Platform

Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES) has emerged as the most powerful technique to understand the electronic structure of materials. The ARPES Lab maximises the advantages of the revolutionary DFS30 hemispherical high-resolution analyser and its patented in-lens deflector and electrostatic 3D focus adjustment. With the integrated cryogenic manipulator and advanced system software control, high resolution full 3D ARPES band-structures are precisely measured without sample motion.

ARPES is the technique for revealing the valance band structure and Fermi-level which is fundamental for understanding electron transport, band-gap phenomena and spin-related effects. The progress and development of emergent materials rely more than ever on ARPES to provide a precise understanding of the inherent abilities of complex material systems. This powerful instrument includes µ-ARPES, time-resolved and spin-resolved possibilities for advanced studies of materials including dynamics, small domains/grains analysis, twistronics, and topological insulators.

As part of our CREATE Platform, the ARPES Lab can be quickly configured to meet exact requirements and functionality. The proven design framework provides shorter product lead times, complete system testing, and immediate system drawings and installation requirements. Beyond being the leader in ARPES technology, Scienta Omicron also provides our “Materials Innovation Platform (MIP)”, combining the ARPES Lab with other techniques including deposition, and additional analysis capabilities with complete UHV transfer. 

The ARPES Lab has superior magnetic shielding supporting high quality measurements with low kinetic energy laser sources. We use the most advanced and lowest temperature cryogenic sample solutions with up to 6 axis motion, closed-cycle models, variable temperature operation and other experimental options. System pumping, control and design provides the best UHV environment, even when operating with VUV sources, to ensure sample integrity and long sample lifetimes. 

Intelligently integrated with superior automatization and PEAK software control for data acquisition and MISTRAL for system and vacuum control, the ARPES Lab delivers the powerful ARPES technique as an accessible and reliable measurement tool. 

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Proven Highest Performance ARPES Lab

The ARPES Lab is designed to maximise the advantages gained from the revolutionary DFS30 hemispherical high-resolution analyser with its patented in-lens deflector and electrostatic 3D focus adjustment. The analyser measures the full 3D band-structure without sample movement by deflecting the electron trajectories perpendicular to the analyser entrance slit. This provides these benefits:

  • Higher k-space resolution with shorter measurement times
  • Avoids geometry dependent matrix element effects by keeping sample angle fixed
  • Best small grain / region analysis for µ-ARPES 

The advanced software integration of the cryogenic manipulator provides:

  • Precise sample movement during scans
  • Automatic movement of the sample between different measurement positions (ARPES, LEED, etc.)
  • User-generated recipes and saved sample locations 
  • Security interlocks for manipulator movement

Experts in magnetic shielding design have perfected the chamber to achieve the highest performance from the combination of analyser and excitation sources. The ARPES Lab supports multiple light sources covering a wide energy range. The renowned VUV5k high intensity monochromatic light source can be paired with new laser sources providing selectable energies and polarization exhibiting extremely narrow line width and/or ultra-fast pulse width for time resolved ARPES. 

The CREATE platform provides configurations meeting specific experimental requirements, budgets, and feature sets. Complete customized systems are available, as well as integration with additional material growth, preparation capabilities and as part of a complete MIP solution.

Deflection Advantage

The deflection feature is a big advantage as it allows to keep the sample in a fixed position and instead uses the deflectors to change the angular range in θy projected on to the analyser slit. This ensures the same position of the sample is probed during the whole measurement. In addition, keeping the experimental geometry fixed throughout the measurement sequence avoids matrix element effects which are caused by variations in ionisation cross section for different photon to sample angles. This allows to acquire higher quality data using the faster and more precise electronic deflection compared with mechanical sample movement. Another advantage, for some samples, is that decreased rotation requirements allow manipulators with fewer degrees of freedom to be used. This ultimately allows for lower sample temperatures to be reached. 


Sequential Deflection

ARPES Lab Cryogenic Sample Manipulators

A complete range of cryogenic sample manipulators is available for the ARPES Lab. These state-of-the-art cryogenic manipulators come in 4-, 5-, 5.5- and 6-axes and both open and closed cycle versions, with lowest possible sample temperatures and proven ARPES performance. Our open cycle (LHe) manipulators have very low LHe consumption rates and achieve the lowest temperatures. The proven closed-cycle models reach 4 K.  

Integrated counter heating enables temperature dependent studies with excellent ramp speed and precision without compromising lowest achievable temperature.


Energy resolution, DFS30 analyser

<  1.8 meV (< 1.0 meV with DFS30-8000 version) 

Electrostatic 3D focus adjustment


Angular resolved range

± 15° full cone 

Deflection mode for full cone detection


Energy range

0.5 - 1500 eV

Angular resolution, DFS30 analyser


Magnetic shielding, chamber

< 500 nT (< 100 nT with double mu-liner) 

Base pressure, analysis chamber

 10-11 mBar operation 

Fast He pumping (tandem turbo pump)


VUV energy-resolution

1 meV (He I) 

Motorised manipulator axis

x, y, z, polar, azimuthal, tilt (models with 4 – 6 axis available) 

Manipulator temperature range

From < 3.5 K to 400 K, preparation heating stage available in parallel  

Counter heating for temperature stabilisation


Ultra-stable, modular, high voltage electronics



MISTRAL System Control, PEAK Analyser Control Software 

For full specifications and more information about product options, please do not hesitate to contact your local sales representative.


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Reference Systems


ARPES Lab: The Expert Solution for Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

15/04/2021 2.11 MB

Angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has emerged as the most powerful technique to understand the electronic structure of materials and what can influence their physics and chemistry.

Cryo Manipulators: A Complete Range for ARPES

14/04/2021 1.69 MB

A complete range of cryo manipulators is available for the ARPES Lab. These state-of-the-art cryo manipulators come in 4-, 5- and 6-axes and both open and closed cycle versions, with lowest possible sample temperatures, proven ARPES performance and attractive pricing.

ARPES Lab: UV-X 11 eV Laser

20/02/2020 877.28 KB

The Scienta Omicron ARPES Lab is the ideal system to combine with a turnkey UV-X 11 eV laser. The availability of this cutting edge, field proven photon source is possible through a collaboration with Oxide Corporation of Japan and gives scientists the opportunity to add this technology as part of a new ARPES Lab system or as an upgrade to an existing ARPES set-up.

ARPES Cryo Manipulator Operations (Video)

12/03/2020 89.06 MB

A complete range of cryo manipulators is available for the ARPES Lab. These state-of-the-art cryo manipulators come in 4-, 5- and 6-axes and both open and closed cycle versions, with lowest possible sample temperatures, proven ARPES performance and attractive pricing.

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