Highest Performance at the Lowest Kinetic Energies
- 30° full cone acceptance without sample rotation
- Spin-resolved MDC without sample rotation
- Matrix element effects are avoided by keeping sample fixed
- Ensures same spot for all k//
- Improved ky accuracy (resolution better than 0.1°)
- Patented (WO2013/133739)
- Fast electronic deflection
The DA30-L-8000 analyser is a progression of the DA30-L analyser optimised for ultra-high resolution at low kinetic energies. Combined with Scienta Omicron´s deflector concept electronic band structure mapping of the full surface Brillouin zone without changing measurement geometry is possible. These are the models of choice for ARPES measurements below 3 eV kinetic energy with high demands for energy resolution.
The DA30-L-8000 is not a serial production analyser but tailored to the particular experiment of each customer. To ensure best possible performance of the analyser a number of important processes have been optimised.
The high voltage electronics design has been optimised for high energy resolution using ultra stable HV-supplies. Each HV-supply is checked individually for low noise and long-term stability. Special attention is paid to common grounding of all analyser parts to the HV-electronics.
Critical dimensions of analyser parts are trimmed manually to reach the design criteria. Special care is taken to the mu-metal connections inside the analyser and the analyser is demagnetised at customer site.
The analyser is supplied with a customised slit set and lens table for 0.5 eV pass energy enabling ultra-high resolution measurements.
More Information
Deflection Advantage
The deflection feature is a big advantage as it allows to keep the sample in a fixed position and instead uses the deflectors to change the angular range in θy projected on to the analyser slit. This ensures the same position of the sample is probed during the whole measurement. In addition, keeping the experimental geometry fixed throughout the measurement sequence avoids matrix element effects which are caused by variations in ionisation cross section for different photon to sample angles. This allows to acquire higher quality data using the faster and more precise electronic deflection compared with mechanical sample movement. Another advantage, for some samples, is that decreased rotation requirements allow manipulators with fewer degrees of freedom to be used. This ultimately allows for lower sample temperatures to be reached.
DA30-L-8000 UPS Upgrade
This item extends the kinetic energy range of the DA30-L-8000 up to 100 eV. The required additional high voltage cards will be housed in the DA30-L-8000 HV-rack. When using the UPS upgrade HV configuration the DA30-L-8000 will have DA30-L performance in terms of energy resolution.
< 1.0 meV FWHM
0.5 eV – 12 eV *
± 3.5°, ± 7°, ± 15°
0.5 eV – 12 eV *
0.5 eV – 12 eV *
< 10-5 mbar
DN200CF (10” O.D.)
* The energy range can be extended to 100 eV with the available UPS upgrade.
For full specifications and more information about product options, please do not hesitate to contact your local sales representative.
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