STM-Induced Fluorescence

In the natural process of photosynthesis an efficient process of energy conversion by optical absorption in chromophores leads to an extreme important energy source for daily life in nature. In the study of Schull and Scheuer the optical active chromophore molecules and relevant optical mechanisms are investigated with STM induced light emission. Individual electron states can be mapped and addressed for light emission.
In the natural process of photosynthesis an efficient process of energy conversion by optical absorption in chromophores leads to an extreme important energy source for daily life in nature. In the study of Schull and Scheuer the optical active chromophore molecules and relevant optical mechanisms are investigated with STM induced light emission. Individual electron states can be mapped and addressed for light emission.


In STM fluorescence the light is collected and analyzed when an electron is injected into an empty state or a hole is created in an occupied state of a molecule or solid. Combining microscopy and spectroscopy molecular electron states can be mapped and individually excited by selective electron injection. In optically active molecules the optical excitation can be addressed directly and optically analysed.

Alternative(s): STM-induced fluorescence, STM induced light emission, tip enhanced fluorescence and TERS application-products LT STM Lab, INFINITY SPM Lab and POLAR SPM Lab
