Compact, Rigid and Low Helium Consumption Low Temperature SPM
SPM LT SPM STM STS LT STM SP-STM SP-STS IETS HDL Manipulation Nanolithography AFM nc-AFM QPlus AFM
- STM, QPlus®-AFM & Spectroscopy
- Integrated TRIBUS Head
- Excellent SPM Stability
- Minimum Temperature: T < 5 K
- Helium Holding Time: > 200h
- Vertical Magnetic Field: B = ± 5T
- Optional 1 K pot for T < 1.7 K
The Polar SPM Lab is a low-temperature Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) for highest resolution STM, QPlus®-AFM, and spectroscopy experiments in a temperature range between < 1.7 K and 420 K and in high magnetic fields of up to 5T.
The ultra-compact design of the cryostat with a height of < 60cm ensures an immense mechanical stiffness and thus results in an excellent STM stability.
The hold time is optimised through a series of thermal decoupling stages to deliver an extremely low helium consumption of less than 1 litre per 24 hours and a hold time of > 200 hours at < 5 K.
The hold time is optimised through a series of thermal decoupling stages and thermal radiation shields, designed to deliver an extremely low helium consumption. With a liquid helium (LHe) consumption of less than 1 litre per 24 hours, the instrument achieves a hold time of > 200 hours at < 5 K before the cryostat needs to be refilled. Alternatively, the SPM can be operated with liquid nitrogen (T < 79 K). Viewports and closable entry doors in the radiation shields allow for SPM in-situ tip/sample exchange, optical access or in-situ evaporation. The low helium consumption offers both an economic benefit and permits long term measurement sessions.
The heart of the multi -application POLAR SPM is the TRIBUS SPM head. It is integrated into a compact bath cryostat system and employs a spring suspension and eddy current damping system for optimum mechanical decoupling. The TRIBUS SPM has a 3D (X/Y/Z) motor for tip and sample navigation, is extremely mechanically stable and offers numerous access ports for optical observation, in-situ sample and probe exchange and evaporation onto the sample/ substrate. An effective thermal shielding in combination with the compact design and short mechanical loops, and a high symmetry within the STM head are responsible for a very low relative drift between sample and measurement probe. Up to 10 additional electrical contacts to the sample extend the range of possible measurement modes. The proven Omicron sample plate design ensures the compatibility with existing SPM instrumentation and transfer systems. As an option, a superconducting coil for vertical fields of ± 5T can be offered for the POLAR SPM. The UHV compatible dry magnet is mounted at the bottom of the helium cryostat. In combination with tip/sample preparation (heating, ion etching, evaporation…) the POLAR facilitates a wide range of SPM operation modes including STM, QPlusAFM, Spin Polarized Tunneling as well as related spectroscopy (STS, I/V, dI/dV, df(V), force spectroscopy, IETS, …) experiments.
“QPlus® is a registered trademark of Professor Franz J. Giessibl, Regensburg, Germany”
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Variants of the POLAR SPM
Due to the unique and modular platform, the POLAR can be offered in these variants:
- POLAR XT: premium cryostat with > 200h helium hold time
- POLAR 5T: Polar with vertical magnetic field of up to B =5T
An on-site upgrade from POLAR XT to POLAR 5T is always possible.

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