Spin Resolved Momentum Microscopy

Two images of the valence band states in momentum space with opposite spin orientation in Bi(111), the left image is the difference and demonstrate the spin orientation of the states near the Fermi level. (Taken with nanoESCA with spin detector by Prof. Justin Wells).
Two images of the valence band states in momentum space with opposite spin orientation in Bi(111), the left image is the difference and demonstrate the spin orientation of the states near the Fermi level. (Taken with nanoESCA with spin detector by Prof. Justin Wells).

Spin-ARPES SP-STM Momentum Microscopy

Spin and angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy has become very important with the increased attention for topological insulators. In this class of materials the electronic structure of the surface is significantly different than from the bulk. An insulating material can have a conducting surface. Topological insulators with bands crossing the Fermi level at the surface can have spin locked states which yield in a spin polarized charge transport at the surface. The surface properties are highly sensitive for magnetic fields.

Alternative(s): momentum microscopy and magnetic momentum spectroscopy application-products NanoESCA, ARPES Lab, DA30-L and POLAR SPM Lab
