Scienta Omicron Newsletter 03-2025
Nobel Prize Technologies Supporting Science and Industry

Dear Madam / Dear Sir,

Welcome to the August addition of the Scienta Omicron Newsletter that provides you with the latest news in surface science, materials science, and nanotechnology research and instrumentation.

In this edition you will find the ‘Result of the Month’ for July and August where the publications´ authors share additional insights about their recent research results. You will also find news about installations, recent research publications and upcoming conferences. As well as information about Scienta Omicron open positions, upgrades, and newly updated product information.

Please visit our website for more information about Scienta Omicron’s product and services or contact your local sales or service representative. We look forward to connecting with you during the second half of 2021.

Yours sincerely, 

Scienta Omicron Team



Featured Product

PRO 75/100 MBE: Research Tools for Epitaxial Layer Growth

The PRO 75/100 MBEs are deposition tools for materials research under UHV conditions on substrates up to 4 inches in diameter. They are flexible system platforms suitable for a large range of MBE applications such as the growth of 2D materials, intermetallic compounds, oxide heterostructures or semiconductors. The PRO 75/100 MBEs include superior evaporation control software and offers multiple ports for in-situ characterisation.

Result of the Month (ROM), August 2021

A Time-Domain Phase Diagram of Metastable States in a Charge Ordered Quantum Material

In this work, by using time-resolved optical techniques and femtosecond-pulse-excited STM, Dragan Mihailovic, Jan Ravnik, Michele Diego et al. track the evolution of the metastable states in a material that has been wide recent interest, the quasi-two-dimensional dichalcogenide 1T-TaS2. They map out its temporal phase diagram using the photon density and temperature as control parameters on timescales ranging from 10—12 to 103 s. The introduction of the time-domain axis in the phase diagram enables them to follow the evolution of metastable emergent states created by different phase transition mechanisms on different timescale. For STM experiments they use a Scienta Omicron LT Nanoprobe Lab with optical access.

Result of the Month (ROM), July 2021

Identifications and Electronic Characterizations of Four Cyclodehydrogenation Products of H2TPP Molecules on Au(111)

C–H bond activation and dehydrogenative coupling reactions have always been significant approaches to construct microscopic nanostructures on surfaces. By using STM/STS and nc-AFM combined with DFT, Prof. Dr. Cai Jinming et al. from Kunming University of Science and Technology systematically characterized the atomically precise topographies and electronic properties of H2TPP cyclodehydrogenation products on Au(111). Through surface-assisted thermal excitation, four types of cyclodehydrogenation products were obtained and clearly resolved in the nc-AFM images. The electronic characterizations depict that the predominant resonances and their spatial distributions of four products. All experiments were performed with a Scienta Omicron LT STM under UHV of below 1 × 10-10 mbar and the temperature of 4 K.

Research News

Molecular Beam Epitaxial (MBE) Growth of Topological Materials

Scienta Omicron’s MBE and In-Situ Surface Analysis Solutions Facilitate Future Development

Topological materials are a significant focus in today‘s condensed matter physics, as pointed out in the excellent perspective article recently compiled by Matthew Brahlek et al. The novel physics arises from the special electronic band structure, based on band inversion. Scienta Omicron is proud to contribute with integrated MBE and surface analysis instruments to the investigation and development of topological materials.

Featured Research

Optical Manipulation of Electronic Dimensionality in a Quantum Material

In this work, Shaofeng Duan, Yun Cheng, Wei Xia et al. report ultrafast photon-induced long-range 2D ordered electronic states at the surface in a 3D CDW material. They used infrared ultrashort laser pulses to pump the sample and monitored the electronic structure and lattice dynamics by high-resolution trARPES and MeV ultrafast electron diffraction (UED). The trARPES experiments showed evidence of 2D electronic states on the surface owing to the ultrafast phase-inversion-induced macroscopic domain wall. Photoelectrons were collected by a Scienta Omicron DA30-L-8000 analyser. The overall time resolution is 130 fs. The sample was cleaved at a pressure better than 3 × 10−11 torr at 4 K. This work shows how quantum materials can be manipulated using ultrafast laser pumping.

Mechanical Installation

New Analysis Chamber & a DA30-L at FlexPES Beamline, Max IV Synchrotron

The Surface- and Material Science branch of the FlexPES beamline at the Max IV synchrotron is being upgraded with a new analysis chamber and a DA30-L analyser with deflection. Scienta Omicron’s Rickard Roberg has completed the mechanical installation together with beamline manager Alexei Preobrajenski and researcher Alexander Generalov. Alexei explains that the beamline supports X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS or NEXAFS) and high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), and that the upgrade will enable ARPES capabilities at the FlexPES beamline.

Updated Brochure

XPS Lab: Versatile Electron Spectroscopy Platform

The XPS Lab has been designed to combine outstanding quantitative XPS performance and ease of operation with a modular sample handling concept. This X-ray photoelectron spectrometer can host complementary surface analytical techniques, like AES and UPS, to enhance its characterisation capabilities. The exceptional value of the XPS Lab is based on the high-transmission and high-speed Argus CU hemispherical analyser.


MATRIX Remote Coarse Motion Control Upgrade

It is Scienta Omicron’s goal to make our products as practical and user friendly as possible. This package upgrades our legacy MATRIX V1 & V2 Hardware versions to incorporate the Remotely Controllable features of our modern MATRIX 4 Units. The modern MATRIX GUI is remotely controllable from anywhere in the world via the internet, meaning that researchers can control and change the tip location on the surface of the sample without stepping foot in the laboratory.

Open Position 

Physicist (m/f/d) Technical Sales Support - Product Management, Surface Technology

Do you have an advanced degree in Physics; fundamental knowledge in at least one special area in physics, UHV thin film deposition (MBE, PLD, Sputtering) technique; and experience in a relevant field of materials science or UHV Surface Physics? Scienta Omicron is looking for a new team member as a Physicist to provide technical sales support for our Sales Force including customer visits and be a technical contact person for customers during offer and pricing period, among others. Start into a future with the best development opportunities and the security of a globally active group of companies.

Check out for more available positions that may be suitable for you.


E-MRS 2021 Fall Meeting

Having faced and stilling struggling with the quite exceptional pandemic years 2020 and 2021, E-MRS has assessed various options how to serve the materials research community as a platform for scientific exchange and dissemination of the newest results in the year 2021. The concept to restart the scientific meeting culture of E-MRS aims to go beyond a simple interim solution of having a virtual conference. The crises related to COVID-19 is aimed to be used as a starting point to further develop the materials research exchange platform to serve the new needs of researchers and engineers.